Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 6- Love is not Irritable

Day 6- Love is not Irritable

Irritable!?! Who ME! Yes me. Sadly I have been very irritable especially with my husband. Go figure. So what’s behind irritability you ask? Stress and the deeper underlying cause is selfishness. I love this quote “Some people are like lemons, when life squeezes them; they pour out a sour response. Some people are more like peaches: when the pressure is on, the result is still sweet.”  Also we learned that selfishness bears many masks: lust, bitterness, greed, and pride. Well I can honestly say, I have bitterness for sure. Maybe a touch of greed and pride, but the bulk of it is bitterness. How do I take care of this? That’s my real issue.  Margin, I need more margin in my life, but I feel if I add more margins, I’ll take away from family time. I can’t cut back on work, as I support our family. So how can I margin more time? What can I do? When did I recently over react, well that was Sunday. We were going to the movie store, and I was driving, and wanted to take a daring turn to avoid a light and he told me no, to go around. And I stated very loudly, FINE, FINE, FINE. Then I whipped the car into the turn lane at the light. Then I realized I had done it and counted to 5 took some deep breaths and apologized. My motivator behind it, I don’t like being told what to do. Most of my irritability comes from him telling me what to do, and I don’t like it and I am bitter over it. I don’t take being told straight away what to do. I want it done nicer, so it seems like a really good option and not just a do it.. I don’t know does this make sense? Is it wrong of me? Yes, I don’t need to blow up over something as trivial as that, its selfish. I need to get over my idea of how things should be done. I really need to work with my husband and not against him…

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