Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 5 – Love is Not Rude

Day 5 – Love is Not Rude

 Oh boy! “She purposefully avoids things that frustrate him or cause him discomfort.”
“..dare to love…give your best to your own” Yeah so that phone voice I have  needs to be given to more than the strangers and the people I work with. I need to use that with my hunny! And guess what two things are behind Rudeness? Ignorance or (yep you guessed it) Selfishness. I’m guessing most roads lead to selfishness…
1.      How does your spouse feel about the way you speak and act around him?
Well if there is anything I know, it’s that I don’t speak Enough around my husband. Also I tend to be bossy, a lot.
2.      How does your behavior affect your mate’s sense of worth and self esteem?
Well he feels like he is less of a man, and not the leader. Evidence enough that I need to change how I speak to him.

3. Would your mate say you are a blessing or that you are condescending and embarrassing?
                        I know he would say both. There are lots of areas I need work in, and a few I’m good at.

And they give us 3 principles to live by:
1.      Guard the Golden Rule- treat your mate the same way you want to be treated
2.      No Double Standards- be as considerate to your spouse as you are to your friends, co-workers, and strangers
3.      Honor requests- consider what your spouse already asked you to do or not to do. If in doubt then ask.

What great principles to implement!

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